Laser cutters

Trumpf-Trumatic L3030

"Trumpf-Trumatic L3030" laser cutter

Max. workable dimensions (cm): 1500 x 3000

Max. workable width  (mm):

Fe = 20

Inox = 12

Al = 6

Punching machines

Trumpf-Trumatic 5000R

Punching machine with automatic loading and unloading

Max. workable dimensions (cm): 1640 x 3000

Max. workable width  (mm):

Fe = 3

Inox = 3

Technology TecnoPunch Zeta 3612

Fully servo-electric punching machine

Stamping power: 220–300 kN

Max. workable dimensions (cm): 1500 x 3000

Max. workable width  (mm):

Fe = 3

Inox = 3

Bending machines

Bystronic Xpert 150/3100 bending machine

Latest-edition Bystronic bending machine

150 tonnes

Fold length: 3100 mm

Haemmerle bending machine

2 hydraulic bending machines with 130–200 tonnes of power

Max. fold length: 3000 mm

Mecos 40T bending machine

"Mecos 40T" electric bending machine

Max. fold length: 1250 mm

Can make bends without marks thanks to swinging matrix.

Panelling machine

Pannellatrice Salvagnini P2Lean

Latest-edition panelling machine, extremely flexible, can work even small loads with equivalent costs.

Max. fold length: 2180 mm

Max. workable length: 2500 mm

Max. workable width (mm):

Fe = 3

Inox = 2.5

Al = 4

Stamping and deep drawing

Mechanical presses

"Balconi" and "Colombo" mechanical presses, 30–250 tonnes, for repeat or continuous stamping (for strips of max. 6 x 500 mm)

Hydraulic presses

"Galdabini" hydraulic press with dual effect, 20–300 tonnes

Welding and tack welding

Manual welders

  • MIG-MAG-TIG manual welding stations

Welding robot

  • "ASEA ESAB" welding robot with 2 orbits (each with load of 500 kg) for pieces up to 4 m)

Tack welders

  • Schlatter Sn=10-140KVA tack welder
  • Tecna Sn=23 KVA suspended welder


  • HBS-650 A hanger bolt welder
  • SOYER welder with condensation drain


Insert tools

2 "Haeger" presses, 6 tonnes.

Orbital riveters

"Baltec" orbital riveter.


Portable pneumatic riveter.

Work stations

Station equipped for mechanical assembly.


Tools for maintaining workshop moulds and machines.

Quality control

Equipped control room.

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